Sunday, November 27, 2011

Our first art classes in local public schools!!

Recently, a group of us from the Robison Foundation gave some exciting, fun art classes at several public schools in Salt Lake City. We took our Creative Healing Center mobile, as we don't have a building yet for the center. It was really fun and the children seemed to really enjoy the classes!! The first class, the children painted on large pieces of cardboard.....creating any kind of picture they wanted. They painted some really beautiful paintings......children are natural artists and they really showed a lot of talent!

Our second class was a project about cities, creating their own building or house and then adding it to a structure that looked like a city or tower. The children painted and decorated papier' mache' boxes to look like a house or building and then we added them to a platform to make a city. They really had fun!

So, our first art classes were really a success and we loved being with the children!! We will be doing more classes soon! Contact us if you'd like us to go to your school to give your children a wonderful opportunity to do art!!


Friday, November 4, 2011

Adorable boy

So sweet and sensitive, Adam's little boy talks about Mothers.

I would be a Cheeto

This is so adorable......another interview with Adam's children. We asked his daughter what she would be if she were a food and her answer is hilarious!!